Thursday, August 9, 2007

You can charge that much money, and keep a straight face?

In other news.....

I went to the college today to buy my books. My classes start on Monday, and I'm looking forward to starting. Can't wait, actually.

All I can say is, thank God for federal financial aid. My books today cost $460!!! Jiminy Christmas! I was able to get one of my books online; it was in the public domain, so I saved maybe ten bucks.

I've been looking through the books. Some of the stuff looks dead boring. But there looks to be a lot of it that promises to be really interesting. For example, they're MAKING me take an Introduction to Computers class, to teach me how to use word processing programs, Excel type accounting programs, how to get email, etc. Duh! I've been doing that since I was eighteen, for God's sake.

But as I look through the textbook, there's a section at the end of each chapter, entitled "Writing for Technology." They pose ethical questions (should the FBI be allowed to use sniffer programs to track email and Internet activity?), or discuss copyright issues (is it stealing to copy HTML source code from a webpage?), and the student is supposed to write essays to answer those questions.

Call me a geek: I enjoy that sort of thing. Bullshitting is something I've always been very good at!

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