My daughter Faith had her first real broken heart today, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I am so angry at the boy that I really REALLY want to hunt him down and hurt him as badly as he hurt her. But I am not going to do that, so don't worry. I hurt for my baby girl. I feel helples in the face of something that is entirely out of my control.
The thing is, Faith is somebody I have always envied. She is SO loving and SO trusting. You know how little kids never meet strangers? Anybody who is kind to them is immediately The Good Guys, and they give their absolute trust? Faith never really outgrew that. She loves and trusts so purely. I envy that, because I can't do it.
And now this "man" (and I use the term loosely) comes along and takes advantage of her. Emotionally and physically. She gave him her greatest treasures, and he shits all over them.
How am I supposed to live with that? How am I supposed to help her?
She deserves to find a man who will love her and take care of her the way my husband has done for the past 25 years. She deserves better than this.
I ache for my daughter's pain.
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