Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Busy weekend

That's one way to put it, I guess.

Friday went well enough. I had classes, and we classified bugs by dichotomous key in biology lab. Enjoyed that more than you might expect. There's a secret science geek under my pragmatic hillbilly exterior. Basically, we were each given four bugs -- dead, preserved in alcohol -- and given a notebook kinda thing, that described characteristics of various insects. We had to examine each insect, and play a sort of Biology Twenty Questions. Eventually we were able to determine the order/species stuff on each insect.

It was fun, believe it or not. Though that's the closest I ever EVER want to get to a wasp, living or dead.

Saturday, I had a lunch date with my dear friend Thomas. We met in Portsmouth, and had a WONDERFUL conversation, over Chinese food, and later over lemonades at River Days. Then again, Thomas and I always have lovely conversations; you put us together in a room, and, unless the windows are open, we usually end up in need of oxygen supplements, we talk so much.

It's always good to talk to Thomas. We like many of the same things. We don't AGREE on all of those things, but even the disagreements are entertaining and cordial.

On Sunday, well, I was invited to be a guest speaker on a podcast conducted by the Star Trek PBEM game I've been with since 1999. The fact that I have been there so long was the impetus for the invitation, and I have to say, I had a good time. Lots of laughs, and some good thinking involved, too.

THEN, I heard the published podcast this morning. Ummm.... Lookit, I have lived all my life with a Southern accent. I live where everybody talks exactly like me: my family, my friends (most of them, I have a couple DamnYankees for friends), my neighbors, the lot, they all sound like me. So it's safe to say that I am almost never aware of my own accent.

Then I hear the podcast. Not only am I listening to a recording, which makes the accent that much more noticeable, but the two gentlemen with me are both Northerners, which emphasize my accent by comparison. It sounded like I lost twenty IQ points! It was strange, and slightly embarrassing.

Oh, well. The accent may have sounded weird, but my ideas were fairly acceptable.

Monday, that was quieter. Both my girls are in the Navy ROTC at school, and they both marched in the Labor Day Parade. I'm very proud of them.

Tomorrow: Math test. I should be studying, but I'm online instead. Cross your fingers for me.

OK, the blog is a little disjointed today. So sue me.

1 comment:

Brother Thomas said...

What, no link to the podcast?

