Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bah, Humbug!

Yes, friends and neighbors, the Silly Season is upon us once again, bringing out most all my Scroogelike tendencies. Aren't you thrilled? Christmas has not been fun for me in a long time, essentially ever since I got married. My mother in law -- That Woman -- wants to make it a competition: who's spending the most money on the children, "I spent a thousand dollars per child, why didn't you?" who does their house up bigger, who makes a bigger fuss.

Being a contrary sort of person, I answer by refusing to compete. We haven't even put up a Christmas tree in like ten years. I do for my children, but nothing like she does: I buy what I can afford, and if she wants to go berserk, knock herself out.

My finals start tomorrow. Well, that's not strictly true. I already had my math final, got a B on it, and I'm perfectly content. Tomorrow, I have my history exam; Wednesday is Computers. Thursday, I get to drive to Berea yet again, and bring my boy home for the holidays. Then Friday, it's the Biology final.

Once that week is over, I will have finished my first semester in college in a very long time, and I will have passed all of my classes with a B or better score. Not too shabby. I was a little afraid I wouldn't be able to pull it off, particularly after missing a big chunk of October, thanks to organ malfunction. I hope that bodes well for the rest of my time in college.

In other news: I got a lovely gift yesterday. I don't know if it qualified as a Christmas gift, but I like it very much anyway. The NEC I've had in hand since the beginning of the school year, the one that was loaned to me? It's now MINE MINE MINE!! According to the original owner, my dear friend and little brother, he thought I would give it a good home, and a good workout. True on both counts, I think. I agree with him that I'm surprised the keyboard still has letters on them. I usually wear the ink off the faces of my desk computer's keyboard, a source of consternation to my husband. Jim subscribes to the Finders Keepers School of Typing.

That's about it for now. I'll keep you posted on the Silly Season Developments.

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