Thursday, November 8, 2007

Feeling a little cranky

Well, the day started beautifully. OK, it was cold as whiz. But I started my new story, and got a terrific first run at it: over twelve hundred words on on a first day. That's really good. Usually it takes me a day or two to get that far, and at least a week to get up to my typical running speed of 2,000.

The day has gone downhill from there, however. Mostly I'm just BORED. I can't seem to get thrilled about doing anything.

The worst bit was talking to my baby girl. Her ex boyfriend is being ugly, in typical high school soap opera fashion, and it's breaking her heart. I could give a damn about the boy or the drama (I know the boy, and I know his family: "dumb as a lobotomized rock" is a phrase that leaps to mind). But you know how mommies are: hurt my baby, face me. I can't bear to see her cry.

But there's nothing I can do, not to protect her feelings, or to protect her reputation (which this little bastard is systematically destroying). And it frustrates the HELL OUT OF ME.


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